

Prof. Alexander Balinsky
Cardiff University, UK

Prof Alexander Balinsky received his PhD degree in Mathematical Physics from the Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics in 1990 and was Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology from 1993 till 1997. He joined Cardiff University in 1997. He is a Professor in the Cardiff School of Mathematics and WIMCS (Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Sciences), Chair in Mathematical Physics. His current research interests lie in the areas of spectral theory, stability of matter, image processing and machine learning. He has participated in EU TMR network on Partial Differential Equations and Quantum Mechanics (1996-2001). He was PI on three years grant from United State-Israel Binational Science Foundation (1996-1999), on three years EPSRC Research Grant 2003-2006. He was founding member of Cardiff Communication Research Centre. He had several joint with Hewlett-Packard research projects. He also did consultancy work for Reuters, London on mathematical models for Internet Security.
His Impact Case Study "Meeting the Challenges of Data Security: Detecting Unusual Behaviour and Mining Unstructured Data" was featured in the leading article 'The impact of impact' in Times Higher. Out of almost 7,000 case studies that were submitted to REF2014 across all units of assessment from all universities, this case study was one of only 8 highlighted in the article! He was invited by Springer to prepare an article about this Impact Case Study to be publish in a special book "REF 2014 Impact Cases: UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics". The book was published in February 2015.
Currently he is PI on joint with Hewlett-Packard and Dyfed Powys Police on “Crime Analysis and Predictive Policing”.


Prof. Jalel Ben-Othman
University of Paris 13, France

Prof. Ben-Othman received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees both in Computer Science from the University of Pierre et Marie Curie, (Paris 6) France in 1992, and 1994 respectively. He received his PhD degree from the University of Versailles, France, in 1998. He is currently full professor at the University of Paris 13 since 2011 and member of L2S lab at CentraleSupélec. Dr. Ben-Othman's research interests are in the area of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, VANETs, IoT, performance evaluation and security in wireless networks in general. He was the recipient of the IEEE comsoc Communication Software technical committee Recognition Award in 2016, the IEEE computer society Meritorious Service Award in 2016, and he is a Golden Core Member of IEEE Computer Society. He is currently in steering committee of IEEE Transaction on Mobile computing (IEEE TMC), an editorial board member of several journals (IEEE Networks, IEEE COMML, JCN, IJCS, SPY, Sensors…). He has also served as TPC Co-Chair for IEEE Globecom and ICC conferences and other conferences as (IWCMC, VTC'14, ComComAp, ICNC, WCSP, Q2SWinet, P2MNET, WLN,....). He was the chair of the IEEE Ad Hoc and sensor networks technical committee January 2016-2018, he was previously the vice chair and secretary for this committee. He has been appointed as IEEE comsoc distinguished lecturer since 2015 where he did several tours all around the world. He is member of IEEE technical services board since 2016.



Prof. Ahmed Al-Dubai,
Edinburgh Napier University, UK

Prof. Ahmed Al-Dubai is currently Professor in the School of Computing, Engineering and Built Environment (SCEBE), Edinburgh Napier University, where he leads the IoT and Networked Systems Research Group. He is also the Research Lead of the Cybersecurity and Cyber Physical Systems Subject Group at SCEBE . Prof Al-Dubai was awarded his PhD from the Dept. Computing Science, University of Glasgow in 2004. He leads interdisciplinary research and initiatives on the area of Multi-access Edge Computing, High-Performance Networks, Cognitive IoT Systems, VANETs, AI, E-Health, Smart Cities and Security. His research has been supported by EU, Universities UK and the Royal Society, Carnegie Trust, EPSRC and Scottish Funding Council. His findings have been published widely in top tier journals including different IEEE Transactions journals, and in prestigious international conferences including IEEE IPDPS, IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE WCNC, ICPP and IEEE IPCCC.
He has been the recipient of several international academic awards and recognition including Best Papers Awards at IEEE Smart IoT, IEEE IUCC 2015, ACM MoMM 2013 and ACM SAC 2002. Prof Al-Dubai has been regularly invited to give keynote and plenary speeches at several international conferences. He has been a member of several editorial boards of scholarly journals. He has been the Guest Editor for over 30 special issues in scholarly journals and the Chair/Co-Chair of over 35 International Conferences and workshops. Prof Al-Dubai is a Fellow of the British Higher Education Academy and a Senior Member of the IEEE.



Prof. Dong Hwa Kim
Hanbat National University, South Korea

Prof. Dr. Dong Hwa Kim, Chargé d' affaires of Higher Education in South Korea is Honourable Emeritus Professor of Hanbat National University, South Korea. He has been additionally responsible for HuCARE Research Center based out of Daejeon, South Korea. He has acquired double doctorate from Ajou University Korea and TIT (Tokyo Institute ofTechnology, Japan) on Multivariable Turbo Generating system by State feedback and Genetic Algorithm Combined with Particle Swarm Optimization/Bacterial Foraging and Its Application to PID Controller Tuning respectively. He has a wide range of experience in both academic governance and political governance.
He has been key instrumental in various projects and his project on Artificial Intelligence Computing has been more achieving more insights. He has almost 200 papers published in various fields. He has received International Einstein Award for Scientific Achievement in the year 2010 by BBC and various other awards. He is also serving as the Governing Council Member of Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculties International. He is also the President of Daedeok Korea-India Forum since 2010. He has been also invited as Researcher for Algonne National Lab and Atomic Energy Canada Lab. He has also served as President of Science Culture Research Institute, Korea Science Foundation.


Prof. Yu-wang Chen
The University of Manchester, UK

Yu-Wang Chen is Professor of Decision Sciences and Business Analytics at Alliance Manchester Business School (AMBS), The University of Manchester. He was Turing Fellow at The Alan Turing Institute from 2021 to 2023. Prior to joining AMBS, he worked briefly as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong Baptist University. He received the PhD degree in System Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University. His research focuses primarily on Decision Sciences, Data Analytics and AI, including their applications in business analytics, risk analysis, healthcare decision support, etc. He has published more than 80 research articles in leading journals, such as European Journal of Operational Research, Risk Analysis, Information Sciences, Information Fusion, Computers & Operation Research, Knowledge-Based Systems and IEEE Transactions on Systems, 5 books or book chapters and 20+ publications in conference proceedings.


Prof. Paras Nath Singh

Dr. Paras Nath Singh is a professor of CSE/ISE in GMRIT, Bangalore. Dr. Singh is Ph.D(IT) from BRABU, Muzaffarpur (A premier Govt. University) having extensive experience of 39 years (19 years of industry+research & 20 years of teaching with admin posts as Head of the departments(CSE/IT/MCA), dean, vice-principal, principal & director of different engineering colleges of Andhra, Odisha & MP). Dr. Singh is Past-President of ICT (including CS) section of India Science Congress 2020-21 (Extended to 2022-23). He had won International Award: “Most Fabulous Professor” by World HRD Cogress 2020, and National Award: 1. Best Professor of Computer Science & Engineering of India by DNA & Stars of the Industry Group 2019, 2. Best Professor of Computer Science & Engineering of India by GOLDEN AIM Awards in 2020, Delhi, 3. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad Excellence award of Education - 2020 by the hon'ble chairman of the AICTE. His areas of interest in Teaching are Programming Subjects: C, C++, Java, Python, other subjects expertise are Data Structures, Big-data, Machine Learning, DBMS, Data Science, and areas of interest in Research are Machine Learning, Data Science, Image Processing, Mutant Functions, Object Oriented Technology.



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gahangir Hossain
University of North Texas, USA

Dr. Gahangir Hossain is an Associate Professor (tenured) of Data Science, Department of Information Science at the University of North Texas (UNT). Dr. Hossain earned a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Memphis, TN, USA, with a comprehensive focus on disciplines such as Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Cognitive Science, and Information Systems/Technology. He is serving as an associate editor in the frontiers journal of neuroscience, guest editor in the MDPI journal of Cybersecurity and Privacy. Additionally, he performed the role of Director of the Cyber Security Lab/Center at West Texas A&M University for the 2021-2022 academic year. Since 2021, the position of an ABET Program Evaluator for Computer Science, Data Science, and Computer Engineering programs has been held. Dr. Gahangir Hossain has more than 150 research publications, and attend more than 100 international conferences. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics, Cognitive & Brain Informatics, Cyber-Human Interaction, and Cybersecurity Management.